“Father God, we thank you for this day, Lord. We pray right now that whatever is going on, you will fix it, God,”

2015. 5. 28. 10:53선교 교회이야기

Student prays after medical emergency at graduation

“Everybody, can I have your attention real quick?” he said. “We don’t know what’s going on, but we will pray. We know that prayer is power, and that God is able. Let’s pray.”

Crawford then began to lead those gathered in prayer.
“Father God, we thank you for this day, Lord. We pray right now that whatever is going on, you will fix it, God,” he prayed. “We pray that you will heal it, God. We pray that you will redeem it, God. We pray that you will deliver it, God, because we know that you are a God who knows how to make a way.”
“And in the name of Jesus, we declare and decree in the name of Jesus that whatever is going on shall be fixed, because you are a God who is a fixer,” Crawford continued. “You are a God who is a healer. Jehovah God, Jehovah-jireh, Jehovah-nissi, Jehovah-shiloh. Fix it, Jesus. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

